Scanning Cyber Security Hacking Course


What you’ll learn in this Online Course

  • Installing Nmap
  • TCP, UDP, ICMP and ARP Scanning
  • NSE
  • GUI User’s Guide – Nmap

Udemy Course Requirements

Scanning is a set of procedures for identifying live hosts, ports, and services, discovering Operating system and architecture of target system, Identifying vulnerabilities and threats in the network. Network scanning is used to create a profile of the target organization.

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a free and open source tool used for vulnerability checking, port scanning and, of course, network mapping. Despite being created back in 1997, Nmap remains the gold standard against which all other similar tools, either commercial or open source, are judged.

Nmap has maintained its preeminence because of the large community of developers and coders who help to maintain and update it. The Nmap community reports that the tool, which anyone can get for free, is downloaded several thousand times every week.

Scanning refers to collecting more information using complex and aggressive reconnaissance techniques.

Nmap is the Internets most popular network scanner with advanced features that most people don’t know even exists!

Discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap on this complete course.Nmap is an indispensable tool that all techies should know well. It is used by all good ethical hackers, penetration testers, systems administrators, and anyone in fact who wants to discovery more about the security of a network and its hosts.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in network security and ethical hacking.

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