Complete JavaScript, XML, AJAX and React Bootcamp – Hands-On


What you’ll learn in this Online Course

  • Understand the importance of the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Learn how to manipulate the DOM.
  • Learn to work with JavaScript Arithmetic Operators and Variables.
  • Learn to work with JavaScript Data Types and Arrays.
  • Understand various types of JavaScript Loops (For-In, For, Do-While, While).
  • Work with JavaScript Objects and Functions.
  • Learn the importance of Operator Precedence.
  • Work with JavaScript Events.
  • Build Interactive Web Pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Understand the XML Schema.
  • Learn to how to Parse XML Files.
  • Learn the purpose of Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX).
  • Learn how to use AJAX Call Functions.
  • Build a Search Suggest Feature using AJAX.
  • Build an Auto Populated Select Menu using AJAX.
  • Explore the Foundations of React.
  • Understand the Tools Required for React Projects.
  • Build an E-Commerce Search Feature using React.
  • Learn to Build a Calculator, Connect-4 Clone, and a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site in React.
  • Learn to Validate Forms in React.

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Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price. (Still, It’s a good deal for you to get this course at a discounted price).

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